Sappirakko (lat. vesica fellea, vesica biliaris) on maksaan kiinnittynyt ruoansulatusnestettä eli sappea erittävä elin.Sappirakko puuttuu useilta lajeilta, kuten hevoselta, porolta ja rotalta, joilla sappineste kulkee suoraan maksasta pohjukaissuoleen. Sappirakon tilavuus on noin 50 ml, mutta se pystyy väkevöimällä varastoimaan 5-20 kertaa suuremman määrän maksasappea.


This intraperitoneal, pear-shaped sac lies within a fossa formed between the inferior aspects of the right and quadrate lobes of the liver. The primary function of the gallbladder is to concentrate and store bile which is produced by the liver.

Žlučník je úplně nebo jen zčásti krytý peritoneem, které přechází z viscerální plochy jater. Hlavní funkce žlučníku je střádat žluč, která přitéká z jater, a koncentrovat ji. Looking for vesica biliaris? Find out information about vesica biliaris. A hollow muscular organ, present in humans and most vertebrates, which receives dilute bile from the liver, concentrates it, and discharges it into the Explanation of vesica biliaris Vesica biliaris adalah kantong berbentuk buah pir di permukaan bawah hepar (facies visceralis).

Vesica biliaris histology

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V. mesenterica superior. Papilla duodeni. Its histological structure is like that of the lateral meniscus. B D E Fundus vesicae biliaris. Caudally directed Cross secton of trachea, histologic section. H. 3 histological regions: ✓cardiac. ➢pars cardiaca Histological structure.

Looking for vesica biliaris? Find out information about vesica biliaris. A hollow muscular organ, present in humans and most vertebrates, which receives dilute bile from the liver, concentrates it, and discharges it into the Explanation of vesica biliaris Vesica biliaris adalah kantong berbentuk buah pir di permukaan bawah hepar (facies visceralis).

I anslutning till hepar finns vesica biliaris (gallblåsan) som fungerar som Från pelvis renalis leds urinen via urether till vesica urinaria. histological layers.

System. Digestive Histology. Under a microscope, stained sections of the pancreas reveal two different types of parenchymal  Secara anatomis, kantung empedu atau vesica fellea terletak di antara dua Kanalikulus biliaris merupakan bagian pertama dari sistem duktus biliaris, celah   The right one consists of fossa vesicae biliaris and sulcus venae cavae; the left a bit different histological structure, differing from both the cranial cavitas uteri  On this page: · Gross anatomy · Arterial supply · Venous drainage · Lymphatic drainage · Innervation · Variant anatomy · Related pathology · Related articles  Chapter 15 - Liver and Gallbladder. The liver is an accessory digestive gland that performs hundreds of distinct functions that impact all body systems.

Vesica biliaris histology

Histology of the gallbladder and biliary apparatus Mucosa and submucosa. Like most of the intra-abdominal viscus, the gallbladder has three distinct layers within its wall. Most of these layers are also continuous throughout the extrahepatic biliary system. The sac and ducts are equipped with a mucous membrane, muscular layer and surrounding serosa.

Vesica biliaris histology

B D E Fundus vesicae biliaris. Caudally directed Cross secton of trachea, histologic section.

Vesica biliaris histology

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Hlavní funkce žlučníku je střádat žluč, která přitéká z jater, a koncentrovat ji. Histology -- Terminology. Histology -- Dictionaries -- Latin.

Sistem biliaris merupakan suatu saluran yang mengalirkan empedu dari hepar ke dalam duodenum. Berdasarkan lokasinya terbagi menjadi intrahepatik dan ekstrahepatik. Saluran Biliaris intrahepatik terdiri atas kanalikuli biliaris dan duktuli biliaris. Saluran Biliaris ekstrahepatik terdiri atas duktus hepatikus kiri dan kanan, duktus hepatikus komunis, duktus 5 Vesica biliaris 6 Vesica biliaris, collum 7 Vesica biliaris, corpus 8 Vesica biliaris, fundus 9 Vesica biliaris, plicae mucosae 10 Plica spiralis 11 Ductus ysticusc 12 Ductus choledochus 13 Duodenum, papilla major (VATER) 14 Duodenum 15 M. sphincter ampullae hepatopancreaticae 16 Aorta, pars abdominalis 17 V. portae hepatis How to say vesica biliaris in Latin?
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Vesica biliaris histology

vesica biliaris translation in Latin-English dictionary. Showing page 1. Found 0 sentences matching phrase "vesica biliaris".Found in 0 ms.

Under a microscope, stained sections of the pancreas reveal two different types of parenchymal  Secara anatomis, kantung empedu atau vesica fellea terletak di antara dua Kanalikulus biliaris merupakan bagian pertama dari sistem duktus biliaris, celah   The right one consists of fossa vesicae biliaris and sulcus venae cavae; the left a bit different histological structure, differing from both the cranial cavitas uteri  On this page: · Gross anatomy · Arterial supply · Venous drainage · Lymphatic drainage · Innervation · Variant anatomy · Related pathology · Related articles  Chapter 15 - Liver and Gallbladder. The liver is an accessory digestive gland that performs hundreds of distinct functions that impact all body systems. The major  Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology of ZSMU. biliary – biliaris, e ; felelleus, a, um biventral – biventer gallbladder – vesica (ae f) fellea (ae). explanation, the examples of anatomical, histological, clinical and vesicae felleae (biliaris), raphe perinei, tunica mucosa oris, capsula pancreatis,. 3.15 Gallenblase (Vesica biliaris). No Image Available!